About Us

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About Us of Blog Amatiran
Thank you for visiting this blog, This blog is personally managed by Hery Juliandi , a blogger beginners who want to try to seek knowledge and share them to all, I am a blogger who comes from West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Maybe there's nothing special about me, but I'm just trying to present something that may be beneficial for all. This blog is probably still many shortcomings, so I definitely need a lot of criticisms and suggestions from you all.
Contact Us :
Hery Juliandi
Jl. Alianyang Gg. Sawi 3 No. 35 Rt. 04/002
Kel. Jawa
Kec. Singkawang Tengah,
Singkawang - Kalimantan Barat

Finally, I want to thank you so much for everything


Blog Amatiran