Ashton Kutcher, the actor who holds the title as long as the celebrity with the most number of followers on Twitter, now forced to abdicate. Pop singer Britney Spears has become the number one on Twitter with the number of followers of 4,951,801 people, or nearly 10 thousand more than the followers Ashton.
Responding to this news, Britney wrote on her Twitter,
"This is amazing! I love you all! Looks like I should start writing gratitude to 4,947,608 people. You make me sooo happy!-Brit."
To celebrate the "victory" is, Britney Spears invited her followers to ask questions via Twitter, which he answered one by one.
Ashton Kutcher, one of the first celebrities to popularize Twitter, seemed less than happy with this news. At the launch of her latest film titled Killers, a reporter asked Ashton, "What is your comment about Britney Spears, who now number more than your followers?"
Ashton replied curtly, "I do not care. Are not you supposed to ask about the movie?"
In April last year, the husband of Demi Moore became the first Twitter user who won a million followers, beating CNN's Twitter account. He is now busy promoting his new movie with Katherine Heigl, titled Killers, about a killer who marries a computer technician.
Responding to this news, Britney wrote on her Twitter,
"This is amazing! I love you all! Looks like I should start writing gratitude to 4,947,608 people. You make me sooo happy!-Brit."
To celebrate the "victory" is, Britney Spears invited her followers to ask questions via Twitter, which he answered one by one.
Ashton Kutcher, one of the first celebrities to popularize Twitter, seemed less than happy with this news. At the launch of her latest film titled Killers, a reporter asked Ashton, "What is your comment about Britney Spears, who now number more than your followers?"
Ashton replied curtly, "I do not care. Are not you supposed to ask about the movie?"
In April last year, the husband of Demi Moore became the first Twitter user who won a million followers, beating CNN's Twitter account. He is now busy promoting his new movie with Katherine Heigl, titled Killers, about a killer who marries a computer technician.
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